Niche blogs are full of visitors and tips for writing Listicle articles to attract readers

Niche blog full of visitors

Of course, you don’t have to choose a specific niche to be successful. However, for most experienced bloggers, it’s a good idea to choose a niche so you can compete and increase your chances of success.

This experienced blogger says it’s important to focus more on a particular niche. Because it can build and improve reputation and authority in the field. It is important for you to know, reputation and authority are important factors in building loyal readers.

In addition, to increase the likelihood that people will find your blog. Since you have authority over the topic, search engines like Google are more likely to place your website in the top rankings.

Choosing a niche can also help your readers. This is because visitors usually open blogs to get information related to certain topics. If your blog covers too many topics, it will be more difficult to encourage first-time visitors to be interested in your content.

Below is a list of niche blogs that are always crowded with visitors.

Gadget and technology niche

Technical development is one of the most interesting topics, especially for the young demographic group. There are so many types and variations of technology products, and this one topic is in great demand.

In addition, with a wide selection of technology products offered online, the technology and gadget niche has great potential for income from affiliate marketing.

There are so many potential visitors and huge income. Therefore, the technology and gadget niche is always crowded with visitors and is included in the category of one of the most informative blog niches.

Lifestyle niche

Lifestyle niches are addressed by discussing the intricacies of interest in terms of their demographics or audience. For example, you can discuss travel for young people, parenting for women and families, and other lifestyles.

Health blog niche

The health blog niche is one of the busiest of all niches. However, competition is fierce. There are many health sites that offer a variety of services. Like consulting a doctor.

Another thing you can write on a tech niche blog is about writing that includes elements of how to use it, but reviewed in a more natural way. Because by tracking the progress of the disease, we will know it and provide solutions.

Therefore, this solution can be used for blogging. However, the niche of healthcare is not always about disease and medicine. You can write various health information in a more unique and interesting way.

Fashion niche

One of the blog niches that is always crowded with visitors. Even this beautiful one has very promising potential. Make money from endorsements, ads and affiliates. This topic is great for anyone posting to their Instagram account or making TikTok videos.

Many fashion bloggers can be influential later and are very famous. The topic of fashion will probably always stick to female bloggers.

But over time, men can also become very successful fashion bloggers. This is because men’s fashion and men’s styles are increasingly attracting attention. Since then, many men are increasingly paying attention to their appearance. So don’t be surprised if health is one of the blogging niches that is always crowded with visitors.

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How to write Listicle articles to attract readers

Tips for writing Listicle articles that are intended to be easier to understand. This is important for content writers to understand. The combination of the words “list” and “article” is called a Listicle. This means that the article consists of a collection of tips, facts, quotes, and so on. Of course arranged in the form of a list.

It’s like using numbering and bullet points. So that I can explain some of them. Listicle articles are often found in magazines. However, it is often seen in online media these days. This is due to the short form of the article.

Some tips for writing Listicle articles

To make Listicle articles short and easy to understand. Here are some tips for you.

Short and informative

We advise you to pack your articles with ease. Readers who choose Listicle articles because they are easy to understand. Pay attention to each paragraph that has a number of words and sentences. Of course it tends to be less than story articles. Make sure each point is clearer and more informative. Just write easily. Hopefully readers will understand more about each of your writings.

Specify a certain angle

You can give a full explanation in the story article. Like, understanding, tips, how to do it. However, at that time, not all of them could be included in the Listicle article. Therefore, you must first determine a certain angle. Tips for writing Listicle articles, choose a specific topic that you want to use.

Make unexpected points

Generally, in Listicle articles, each point is capitalized rather than explained. Most readers only pay attention to the subtitles. Therefore, readers are pleased with the text at every point.

Choose an interesting picture

Adding an image at every point made is a plus for Listicle articles. However, if there are too many points. We recommend that you do not include an image at every point. Here are some tips for writing Listicle articles. You can also enter formats other than images, such as GIF and video formats. When choosing an image or video that grabs the reader’s attention.

List lost to odd number

To write Listicles that you come across frequently. It is always advisable to make an odd list. Some people suggest writing in prime numbers. Like the numbers 3, 7, 11, 13, 17 and so on. But I don’t know that the reason for writing has to be odd or prime. However, this number is a kind of psychological number and is more “interesting” for people to read. Another tip for writing Listicle articles is to use the numbers 20, 40, 100. Therefore, some people don’t use odd numbers or prime numbers.

Listicle number gives readers confidence

Most Listicles always use a number for each title. The content of the article will be adjusted according to the title. If the title says “5 ways to fight cockroaches”. Of course, there are five points in the description of the article. The inclusion of numbers in the article provides certainty for the reader. About the content of the article to be read. Hopefully readers will be more motivated to vote and read it to the end.

Target leader

Tips for writing Listicle articles also include goals for the age of the reader. Of course, few readers are over the age of 50. Therefore, this book is intended for readers between the ages of 18 and 40. Of course, the target audience needs to be tailored to the topic. This targeting feature is important. This is related to the use of language style. Create topics according to your target age and occupation. In addition, there are other background conditions.

The more, the better

Many media, blogs, and websites are now starting to write in Listicle format. Writing this article is considered to be more interesting to readers than story articles. Therefore, there are many competitors now.

One of the topics written about may have been published by another medium. If you want to focus on articles as part of content marketing. You need to make sure your article is more interesting than other articles. The more points you use, the more readers will be interested in your article.

Now you can find tips for writing Listicle articles. Therefore, you can write shorter and more informative articles. It attracts more readers and grows your website or blog.
