Different types of articles and easy and plagiarism-free article rewrites

Rewrite various types of articles and articles that are easy and not plagiarized

Have you started writing articles? However, everyone is confused about the types of articles and the difference between articles, so let’s discuss them together.

In general, an article is a written work that contains facts. Contains a specified number of words printed or published digitally.

In the past, publications were made through print media such as newspapers, magazines, and wall magazines. But now it continues with digital developments that are increasingly practical.

It can be easily published on various platforms. Start with topics like websites, blogs, WordPress and more.

Article type

Style groups group articles by type. Now let’s dive deeper into what we can know. Here’s the review:

story article

First of all, in articles of this type, I will introduce sentences that convey events at once. Therefore, use your character’s point of view when communicating this event.

The facts that we write come from the comments of the figures in handling the case. But this type is also fiction, and what matters most is the style of writing.

About events involving people. Then use character statements.

Article description

This type contains a detailed description of the event description. Because this style seems to attract readers into it and make them feel similar events.

When we read it, we feel it and witness it for ourselves. This way of writing should be interesting and tell the truth.

This type of article is often used to describe events that have occurred in the past. Now the reader is like entering a story.

comment article

Include information about the topic. Written explanation includes original factual data to the reader.

Usually like delivering news. It looks overdone or shrunk, and lacks factual, honest, solid details.

When we read it, we automatically hold on to the facts of this type of gift. You don’t need to beat around the bush and get to the point.

persuasive articles

The types of articles above are very different. Use a style of language that invites the reader to follow an invitation to do something.

This essay contains an invitation to do something. For example, if you are practicing a healthy lifestyle, the author will write down why.

What do you get from doing this kind of activity? On the other hand, what do we reap when we don’t?

This indirectly leads to the opinion of the reader. This will give you the feeling of trying and participating in the execution of a new routine.

Articles like this may be suitable for product promotion events. Because the language invites and attracts readers.

discussion articles

These types of articles have different styles and purposes. This type of article uses the language of evidence.

Usually, the purpose of writing is to prove an opinion by showing evidence. They present facts that are used as data.

Writing articles of this type gives new opinions. Show your opinion with facts rather than denying other opinions.

As a medium for freedom of expression. However, some languages ​​that do not harm each other are also worth noting.

Article discussion

The two types of articles we have discussed are intended to provide extensive information. Well, the discussion of this article is actually not limited at all.

But start with the little things. Entertainment such as artist news such as technology, domestic and foreign news, beauty, health, history, science.

There are so many current and trending things that we can discuss. For example, various tutorials like this are usually found.

You need to dig up references from various reliable sources. Of course, it’s copyright infringement, so be careful not to copy it while writing.

Select the article type described earlier. To be more accurate, adjust to the topic and discussion that you create.

Source: https://jualarticleseo.com/type-type-article.html

Easy and plagiaristic way to rewrite articles

Rewriting articles is not difficult, but that does not mean you can rewrite carelessly. Here are some important tips to pay attention to so that the articles produced are of high quality and avoid plagiarism.

It is important to understand that article rewriting is not plagiarism. The reason is that I don’t copy and paste other people’s entire articles. However, please rewrite it in your own style to make it a new article.

This is an easy way to rewrite articles

Below are some tips to consider when rewriting articles so as not to create the impression of plagiarizing other people’s work.

Take several different sources

The way to rewrite the first article is to take several different sources. When sourcing articles online, choose quality articles, lots of visitors and provide complete information.

This is not without reason, but it can generate good traffic from search engines. This method can of course also optimize the seo performance on the page.

Making a skeleton

Once you have the source, you can start building a framework right away. This makes the information in the article clearer and more complete.

Be careful to use 5 W + 1H and subtitles when creating the outline. Not only that, try to use Indonesian which is easy to understand and communicate.

Use of preface

The opening of a good article, of course, is accompanied by an introduction. Talking about how to rewrite articles and write forewords, it’s a good idea to use prefixes in a language style that suits your blog.

Avoid following the blogging style you get. As you know, every blog has a different way of writing an introduction.

Give the title the right and interesting

The next way to rewrite the article is to add a title. When creating a title, make sure it contains keywords. In addition to keywords, the title must also be attractive.

This is because you can invite a lot of visitors with a good title. Make sure the title you create can arouse curiosity so that many visitors can open your article.

Recommendations for the best trusted article rewriting services

You can rewrite the article by looking at some of the methods above. However, if you currently don’t have the time to rewrite articles, or are having trouble finding appropriate sources, you can trust a quality article rewriting service.

You don’t need to be confused by what you see, you are in the right place. We are ready to help you get quality and fresh articles. With the same theme from a trusted source, you can create new articles that are free from plagiarism.

There are various benefits, so feel free to use an article rewriting service. Some of our advantages are:

Pass plagiarism

The rewritten articles you order from us are guaranteed through plagiarism. We provide two versions of Copyscape Premium and Smallseo tools when checking for plagiarism. Each version of the plagiarism test has its own advantages in ensuring the quality of the article.

Fast and on time work

We are ready to help you get quality articles without waiting long. With fast processing, you can also complete your article rewrite order in the right way within a certain deadline.

Professional experienced writer

With the speed of our work, we do not neglect the quality of the articles. One of the reasons is the quality of a reliable and competent writing team.

Our writing team is experienced in their field, so they are professional and responsible for completing article work.

quick response

Feel free to order rewrite articles. This is because contacting customer service is easy and always fast.

When you order an article you do, it will be delivered quickly, accurately and friendly. Contact us directly whenever you need high quality articles.

Friendly price

Another advantage of our article rewriting service is that it is cost-free and even economical. The prices we offer are very friendly so they won’t waste your pocket.

The best and most trusted article rewriting services allow you to write in the right way and of course provide satisfactory results. Please contact us immediately and prove the quality for yourself.

Source: https://jualarticleseo.com/cara-rewrite-article.html